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a掌握单词:bottom、computer、corner、e-mail、envelope、left、letter、postcard、right、stamp、top、send 。







class opening and review(5分钟)

1、 greeting

2、 review(复习23课英文歌曲:齐唱-----分唱)

new concepts(15分钟)

a:review words:bottom、computer、corner、e-mail、envelope、left、letter、postcard、right、stamp、top、send(可以运用“what is missing?”游戏,复习单词的发音;用单词造句子竞赛;单词听写)

b:用“pen pal”游戏的变化形式做游戏。找十名左右自告奋勇的同学扮作“电子邮件信使”。用油彩或水彩笔在每位同学前额上(或手上)涂上一道“电光”。(老师也可以用黄色的纸剪出“电光”,给每名同学戴一个)要求每个同学在一张纸上画一幅电脑屏幕的'图画,在图画下面写上单词computer。然后让同学在这个屏幕上给自身笔友写一封电子邮件,同时要求他们写下笔友的地址。假如他们写好了,喊一声send那些自告奋勇者便马上取走邮件并且传送给该生的笔友。那些自告奋勇者也写邮件并且亲自将邮件给自身的笔友。


做“simon says”游戏来复习top,bottom, right和left。告诉同学向上指表示top,指下面表示bottom。找一名自告奋勇的同学来指挥此游戏。这名同学需要背对全班,这样,左和右的命令就不会混淆。教师观看全班扮演。

要求同学分成若干个学习小组;同学在小组内说一说“how to write a postcard or a letter to your friend?”接着写一份明信片或信件给同班的同学,并送到同学的手上;收到的同学负责检查是否有写得正确,并进行评价。写作过程中教师注意和时纠正同学的错误。


e:activity book(5分钟)







教 材

分 析 本课通过amy 和sarah逛服装店的情景,呈现了五个服装名称的词形和词意,并能表达自己对于某件衣物的喜好。

学 情

分 析 服装名称对学生来说是新知,但与它相关性很强的颜色,大小等形容词在上册教材中已经有过认知,可以以此为切入点展开对服装名称的学习。

教 学

目 标 能够听、说、认读本课时的主要词汇: skirt,dress,pants, clothes,hat 能够熟练运用句型i like that green skirt/ those 表达自己对于某件衣物的喜好。

教 学

重 点 听、说、认读本课时的主要词汇: skirt,dress,pants, clothes,hat

教 学

难 点 1、难点是表示服装的名词与表示颜色的形容词连用及其读法。

2、熟练运用句型i like that green skirt/ those 表达自己对于某件衣物的喜好。

教 具

准 备 衣服(实物)、单词卡、学生准备一张白纸和彩笔。

时 间 教 学 过 程 修 订

热身/复习(warm-up/ revision)

(1)enjoy a song:my clothes

(2)let’s chant




引入: 播放歌曲“who’s wearing yellow today?”

呈现: 当唱到“who’s wearing yellow today?”时,

t: what color is she wearing? s:

t: yes, she’s wearing a blue dress

学生跟读dress,blue dress。

教师出示dress图片,what’s this in english? what color is it? t: it’s a blue

操练: 教师在教室中走动,并根据学生的穿着,做以下问答:

t: who is wearing a dress today?what color is your / her dress?


呈现:教师指着一位穿skirt的学生,问:is she wearing a dress, too? s: no, it isn’ t: it’s a

操练: 学生跟读,并根据卡片或实物描述其颜色,如:pink skirt


s1: what is she wearing?

s2: a pink / a red

(3)教学hat, pants并复习初学单词

游戏:what’s in my bag?



当堂检测: 各小组认读单词卡片比赛

4、作业:抄写单词 ,预习下一课对话认读并翻译句子

unit5 my clothes

clothes,skirt,dress,pants, hat

i like that green skirt/ those




课 题 unit5 my clothes

let’s talk a 课时 第 12 周

第 1 节

教 材

分 析 本课通过体育课结束时amy与老师间对话的情景,学习问答确认衣物主人的句型are these yours? yes, they , they aren’ is this jnhn’s? yes,it no, it isn’名词所有格的表达也是本节课学习的重点。

学 情

分 析 四年级的学生已经开始对服装话题感兴趣了,本课的重点句子is this …? are these 在前面已经学习并操练过,学生能够正确认读。本课替换服装名称操练学生就能熟练掌握。而名词所有格的表达句型对学生来说是新知,可以在学生理解后着重操练。

教 学

目 标 能听懂、会说:are these yours? yes, they , they aren’ is this jnhn’s? yes,it no, it isn’并能在情景中进行运用确认物品的主人。

能在情景中运用句型it’s mike’’re chen jie’表述物品的主人。


教 学

重 点 能在情景中进行运用句型are these yours? yes, they , they aren’ is this jnhn’s? yes,it no, it isn’确认物品的主人。

教 学

难 点 名词所有格的正确使用

教 具

准 备 mike及其家人的头饰 录音机、录音带 各种衣物

时 间 教 学 过 程 修 订

2分 step1 warm up & revision

sing a song”who’s wearning yellow today?”

let’s do::put on your t-shirt

play: you guess what clothes use this sentence “is that …? ”

?设计意图:通过演唱歌曲复习颜色词,把学生带入快乐的英语学习情境,再通过猜图片服装的游戏复习服装名称和“is that …? ”句型,为本课进一步学习做好铺垫。】

learning aim

1>ask and answer sentences” are these yours? yes, they , they aren’ is this jnhn’s? yes,it no, it isn’确认物品的主人。

2>you can use of nouns


step 2 presentation

preview :look at the picture on page you plug-in prep dialogue and think:

1> what time does the students go home?

2> are the shoes amy’s?

3> is the hat john’s?


learn new dialogue :

1>answer:what time does the students go home?

who are they? say hello to

2> read the first dialogue ,then learn sentence:are the shoes amy’s?

3> is the hat john’s?

listen to the tape and dialogue on the role of reading in this

they learn this talk by theirselves in the

act the


step3 practice

we are to practice acting the


step4 summary

for this class we had learn sentences: is this /that your…?and “whose is it?”


书 unit5 my clothes

are these yours? is this jnhn’s?

yes, they yes,it

no, they aren’ no, it isn’




课 题 unit5 my clothes

let’s learn b 课时 第12周

第 3节

教 材

分 析 本课通过sarah找不到需要的衣物而向妈妈寻求帮助的情景,进一步学习几个服装名称的表达,并且学习就衣物的位置和颜色等展开问答。本部分名词单复数的使用频频出现,应关注学生使用情况。

学 情

分 析 学生对名词单复数有一定的认知,知道复数在名词后加“s”,但对于“s”在不同单词词缀后的读音不太了解,理解和发音上可能稍有困难。另外,句型中复数名词与系动词are连用对于学生来说也是难点。

教 学

目 标 能够听、说、认读本课时主要单词:coat, socks, shirt, sweater,jacket,shorts。

能用where are my…?what 提问。

能运用let’s find out 进行语言操练。

教 学

重 点 掌握本课服装词汇coat, socks, shirt, sweater,jacket,shorts。

教 学

难 点 复数名词的用法。

教 具

准 备 服装图片 录音磁带

时 间 教 学 过 程 修 订

2分 step1 warm up & free talk

teacher and students let’s do

sing a song “what colour do you like?”

free talk: i like my shirt is students say like this “ i like… my… is …”


learning aim:

1> you can listen ,speak and read six clothing plural

2> you can expression”where are my…?what ”


step2 presentation

in the group,preview the words and think two questions:

1> what is the name os five clothing?

2> five kinds of clothing what is the pronunciation


case detection preview


learn new words:

1> “socks” :socks,socks成双对,所以(so)此刻(ck)加“ s ”

2> “shorts”:“short short矮又短,shorts shorts 成短裤。”



step3 practice

let’s chant teacher and students to the beat,chant

play a game: extendable ears, practice:where are my…?what

let’s find out

step4 summary

for this class,we had learn five clothing

homework: review of homework is writing each word 5 homework is read let’s talk b,try to

书 unit5 my clothes

where are my…? what

coat, socks, shirt, sweater,jacket,shorts




课 题 unit5 my clothes

let’s talk b 课时 第 13 周

第 1 节

教 材

分 析 教材通过sarah和弟弟sam帮妈妈整理衣物的情景,使学生感知whose coat is this? whose pants are those?功能句的语义及语用情景。进一步将上一课的词汇用于对话和交际中充分体现了教材以旧带新的编写特点并且为第六单元购物会话的学习做了铺垫,

学 情

分 析 学生在学习了一些用复数表示服装名词后对复数的表达得到了进一步熟练,对复数与are的连用也有了进一步了解。本课的this/that和these/those的发音及句子的完整表达对学生来说都是难点,通过扩句子替换练习和小组合作来完成。

教 学

目 标 能够听、说、认读本课时主要句型:whose coat is this? it’s pants are those?they’re your father’


教 学

重 点 在情境中正确运用新句型:whose coat is this? it’s pants are those?they’re your father’就某物的主人展开问答。

教 学

难 点 mine的理解与掌握

教 具

准 备 词卡 录音磁带

时 间 教 学 过 程 修 订

2分 step1 warm up & revision

sing a song”who’s wearning yellow today?”

let’s do: put on your 49

review clothes word


learning aim:能够在情景中恰当运用whose coat is this? it’s pants are those?they’re your father’句型就某物的主人展开问答。


step 2 presentation

preview :look at the picture on page you plug-in prep dialogue and think:

1>whose coat is this?

2>whose pants are those?


learn new dialogue :

1> answer: whose are these clothes?

2 2> read the first and second dialogue , then learn sentence: “whose coat is this? it’s pants are those?they’re your father’”

3> practice the sentences “whose coat is this?whose pants are those?

listen to the tape and the dialogue on the role of reading in this

?设计意图:those的发音和mine的理解运用是个难点,先指导发音,紧接着展开“whose coat is this?whose pants are those?”句子的学习和操练,让学生在情景中操练理解,突破难点,帮助学生更好的理解和掌握。】

step3 practice

we are to practice acting the


step4 summary

for this class we had learn sentences: “these are… and those are…”


书 unit5 my clothes

whose coat is this?


whose pants are those?

they’re your father’




课 题 unit5 my clothes

let’s spell a 课时 第 13 周

第 2 节

教 材

分 析 本部分内容分为语音和书写两部分。语音部分主要学习元音字母组合le在单词中的两种发音,即在单词末尾发

学 情

分 析 对于本课出现的单词学生都比较熟悉,在了解词意的基础上本课主要找到规律认读含有or字母组合的词,字母书写的正确占格要强调。字母组合or的发音对于部分学生来说可能是个难点。

教 学

目 标 通过拆音、拼音和分类等活动培养学生的语音意识,并引导学生归纳字母组合le在单词中的发音规律。

能够听、说、认读单词:apple, people, table

能够听、说、认读、规范书写句式:chen jie has a green apple; this is a little bike; that is uncle dan’s

教 学

重 点 掌握字母组合le在单词中的发音规律

能够听、说、认读、规范书写句式:chen jie has a green apple; this is a little bike; that is uncle dan’s

教 学

难 点 让学生通过感知、体验和观察发现语音拼读的规律

教 具

准 备 与本节课相关的单词卡

时 间 教 学 过 程 修 订


step1 warm up

talk; sing a song: where is er/ ur/ ir/or?

the words in groups and have a competition among the



step2 presentation

listen to the chant and repeat

read these words

try to read words: apple, people, table


step 3 practice .

read ,underline and listen

a little bike uncle dan a green apple

nice people a big table


to read these words:

apple, people, table,little,uncle


,listen and write

chen jie has a green

this is a little

that is uncle dan’s


step consolidation

check in class

step 5 summery and homework

书 unit5 clothes

le /l/

apple, people, table

chen jie has a green

this is a little

that is uncle dan’s





1.能听说读写how are you ? fine,thanks. 说出并且听懂nice to meet you.

2. 能在真实地环境中进行会话。

3. 培养学生大胆自信地运用英语进行交流。


how are you? fine, thanks.书写时应注意的问题以及how are you 的其它回答方式。

2、you can call me...的用法。




?? warming up

1、 free talk .复习:what’s your name? nice to meet you! how are you? how old are you? how many ? how much? how do you feel?等问句及回答.

2、sing a song“how are you?”为学生学句型作铺垫

?? new concepts

⒈先教单词fine. 教师先把nine写在黑板上让学生拼读,然后出示fine让学生试读,反复带读fine一词并检查学生的发音。比较fine, nine, five, bike等读音,引导学生发现读音规律。

2.教师指着自己对学生说:i’m fine,today. 用表情来表示出自己今天很好(指身体).并把fine一词写在黑板上,可向学生用汉语解释fine一词意思是身体好。强调书写时注意开头字母要大写,逗号句号位置及i’m的缩写形式。

3. 教师和一个学生打招呼:hello,…how are you ?然后指着黑板上fine 一词,启发学生回答:fine, thanks或 i’m fine, thanks.同时教very well. thank you.的回答方式。

4. 教师把very well.写在黑板上.解释very well意思是身体非常好.

5. 教师带读very well ,并检查学生发音.

6. 师生之间进行打招呼问候,如

t: morning ,boys and girls.

ss: morning, miss…. how are you?

t: fine, thanks . how are you?

ss : very well, thank you.

7. 同桌两人或前后两人进行会话练习.


11.出示mr. wood的图片,向学生自我介绍“hello! i’m your new teacher! you can call me mr. wood. nice to meet you. ”告诉学生向别人介绍自己时也可以说you can call me…,先生用mr.女士用miss。或ms.让学生用这个句型自我介绍。you can call me…




?? homework

课下以小组为单位编一个对话,用上“how are you ? fine, thanks./very well,thank you. nice to meet you!”


lesson one: how are you?

nine fine five bike

how are you?

i’m fine, thanks.

very well, thank you.



unit4 at the farm of pep english from grade 4, book 4

teaching content: part a let’s spell

teaching content analysis:

unit4 at the farm has 6 periods. this lesson is the period3. the main teaching content of this lesson is part a let’s spell. this part requires students to master the pronunciation of words which has letter combination “or”. and students should perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “or”.

students’ learning analysis:

as the grade 4 students, they have learn the pronunciation of “ir”, “ur”, “ar”, “er” in the last several units. in this lesson, i will make a connection with “or” and “ir”, “ur”, “ar”, “er”.

teaching objectives:

by the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

l master the pronunciation of words which have letter combination “or”: /:/, /::/.

l perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “or”.

l read and write down the words that have letter combination “or” according to the pronunciation rule.

l by the learning of pronunciation can make the students notice the fixed pronunciation of some letter combinations, which can improve students speech recognition ability and reading ability.

important and difficult points of teaching:

make the students to master the pronunciation of words which have letter combination “or”. and make them to perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “or”.

teaching process:

i warm-up

1. free talk.

t: good morning, boys and girls.

ss: good morning, miss yang.

t: today we’ll learn unit 4 at the farm parta let’s spell.

2. t: before our class, let’s enjoy two chants.

(teacher plays the chants about the pronunciation of “ir”, “ur” and “al”, which they have learned before.)

3. teacher shows the words which contain “ir”, “ur” and “al” to recall the knowledge they have learnt.

4. teacher asks students whether they remember the pronunciation of “ir”, “ur”, “ar”, “er”. and then teacher can naturally introduce “or” to students.

[design idea:recall the knowledge they have learned. use “ir” and “ur”, which pronounce /:/, and “al”, which pronounces /::/, to make connection with “or”.]

ii presentation

1 . presentation “or”: /:/

⑴teacher shows 3 words, which are work, homework, world map, and asks students to read it.

⑵teacher asks students to discuss the pronunciation rule of “or”.

[design idea:let students perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “or”. ]

⑶teacher presents the pronunciation rule 1 of “or”: or在w后通常发/:/,与ir,ur同音.

⑷teacher shows the words: word, worth, worm, worse. and then requires students to spell them according to the pronunciation rule 1.

[design idea:make students be able to read the words that has letter combination “or” according to the pronunciation rule 1.]

2 . presentation “or”: /::/

⑴teacher shows students the word “horse” and ask them a question that whether this word pronounce /h:s/.

⑵teacher asks students to find out the pronunciation of the word “horse” and pay attention to the other words that has “or” in a chant.

chant: the story about a horse

i like to read the story.

the story about the horse.

the horse likes to work.

he works hard of course.

⑶after listening to the chant, teacher asks students to read the words: horse, story.

⑷teacher shows 4 words, which are horse, fork, story, morning, and asks students to read it.

⑸teacher asks students to conclude the pronunciation rule of “or”.

⑹teacher presents the pronunciation rule 2 of “or”: or在单词中一般发/::/,与al 同音.

⑺teacher asks students to make brainstorm about the words that contain “or” that pronounce /::/.

3. summary

teacher asks students to summary the pronunciation of “or”:


发音规则2:or在单词中一般发/::/,与al 同音

iii practice

1. listen and number

[design idea:first of all teacher will help students to master the pronunciation of words which has letter combination “or”: / :/, /::/ by listening.]

2. read and sort

[design idea:secondly, through speaking, teacher helps students to be able to read the words that has letter combination “or” according to the pronunciation rule.]

3. look. listen and write

teacher asks students to write down the important words.

[design idea:thirdly, though writing, teacher helps students to be able to write down the words that has letter combination “or” according to the pronunciation rule.]

iv production

teacher make a summary with students that the pronunciation of “or”,

“ir”, “ur”, “ar”, “er”. and then teacher will guide students to be aware that the fixed pronunciation of some letter combinations.

v homework


把查找到的相关单词根据/:/ 和/::/来归类并记录。




?教学重点】认读对话中出现的生词和新语言; 熟练朗读并表演课文内容

?教学难点】句型: “it looks like….” “it’s your turn now.”


1. fashion show,t-shirt,vest,dress的图片及t-shirt, vest, dress纸质实物

2. 报纸,鞋盒,纸的实物及单词卡片


一、热身 (warm-up/preview)

1 师生演唱第三单元的歌曲 “my clothes.”

2 教师播放资源库中第四册recycle 1的let’s sing “what time is it?”部分这首歌的旋律大家很熟,歌词也很简单,教师不必多浪费时间与解释,让学生听、跟唱即可。在学生掌握旋律的基础上,教师可利用钟表调整时间,可以是整点,也可是60分以内的非整点时间。

二、新课呈现 (presentation)

1 教师可参照第四册第二单元部分let’s learn的图表,让学生做问答练习,最后引出这节课的主题 a fashion show.

2 教师在黑板上写出read and act 部分的主题: a fashion show, 然后出示教学挂图或放vcd, 让学生了解故事大意。


(1) what show is it?

(2) what time does it begin?

(3) where?

3 教师放录音或看投影片的同时,出示本部分的生词和新句子的卡片。paper, newspaper, wonderful, fashion show, just wait and see, see you later. 句子:it’s a secret!it looks like a fish. it’s your turn now.

4 学生跟读录音,并分角色朗读。

三、趣味练习 (practise)

1. 出示对话中的8幅图,打乱顺序地听对话,请同学把对话与图配对。

2. 请同学把8幅图按照顺序排列好。(在排图的过程中,可以展开竞赛的方式,找到第一幅图后,请本组的两个同学把这个图的内容说出来,依此类推)

















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
